Sony Xperia Z4 Tablet Ultra could totally obliterate Samsung Galaxy Note Pro

Xperia devices

The rumor mill is spinning out of control in relation to outlandishly powerful Xperia devices that could see daylight at CES in January. Game over, Samsung, and for you, Apple, the gargantuan tablet Olympics are done before they could even begin. There’s no way Cupertino can out an iPad Pro as impressive as Sony’s rumored Xperia Z4 Tablet Ultra, and the Galaxy Note Pro 12.2 is a joke next to the unreleased 13 incher. Learn how to play Blu-ray and DVD on Sony Xperia Z1 and Galaxy Note Pro 12.2 Emphasis on “unreleased” and “rumored”, as Sony is yet to confirm the existence of said Z4 Tablet Ultra powerhouse, not to mention its Continue reading Sony Xperia Z4 Tablet Ultra could totally obliterate Samsung Galaxy Note Pro