Get smooth homemade video playback on Kindle Fire HD 7.9

The Kindle Fire HD Kids Edition is a good kids tablet with some excellent capabilities and features, the 7.9 version really rocks for movie and TV shows watching at home with your kids. Nevertheless, many Kindle users still have the uncertainty about video playback on Kindle Fire HD 7.9 tablet: I’m looking for a tool for transferring homemade videos (source from home burned videos shot using digital Video camera and edited and burned using Serif and Magix software)to my Kindle HD 7.9 tablet. I have a Windows 7 computer, do I need to do homemade video conversion for my Kindle? Synthesize some testing results, playing homemade video on Kindle Fire HD 7.9 is not always smooth Continue reading Get smooth homemade video playback on Kindle Fire HD 7.9