Sync music, movies, TV shows from iTunes 11/12 to iPad, iPhone and iPod

The new iTunes 11 and 12 both offer more options for managing your music, TV shows, movies, apps, and more. You’ll still use iTunes 11/12 for syncing your iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, and traditional iPods. While the process remains the same, the visuals involved have scored a bit of an overhaul. The Summary and Info tabs get noticeable layout tweaks, and the Apps tab gives the app organization process a small redesign. For users who have not get accustomed to the iTunes 11/12, here is a guide for syncing videos and music from iTunes to iPad /iPhone/iPod. Step 1. Launch iTunes 11/12 from your Mac or PC. Step 2. Connect iPad, Continue reading Sync music, movies, TV shows from iTunes 11/12 to iPad, iPhone and iPod