How to Convert PGS to SRT subtitles with SupRip

What is the easiest way to convert PGS to SRT subtitles with Subtitle Converter tool on Windows or Mac? I will refer to a problem to tell you how to convert PGS to SRT subtitles with SupRip, BDSup2Sub or ByteCopy. First of all, I found a problem in the Doom9 Forum through Google search for “conversion PGS to SRT subtitles” keyword, as follows: PGS to SRT? I’m struggling converting PGS (blu-ray) subs to .srt but not very succesfull sadly. I’ve tried “SupRip” but the OCR process is driving me crazy (it doesn’t learn the letters properly, it’s hopeless). Are there other alternatives? According to the above questions, I looked up some Continue reading How to Convert PGS to SRT subtitles with SupRip