Surface Playback Tips: Can Surface RT Play MKV/AVI/FLV/F4V and Blu-ray/DVD Movies?

Do you know what video formats Microsoft Surface RT can play? Do you want to convert and copy MKV with DTS, AVI, VOB, Flash FLV/F4V, Tivo, WMV, MPG videos to Surface RT? Do you like to watch Blu-ray and DVD movies on Surface RT tablet? As Microsoft Surface RT hit the market, it has been of great concern. Unlike its competitors, Microsoft has largely stayed out of the hardware business. They have the Xbox and a line of input devices, but coming up with the Surface RT was a big step for them. And the Surface RT is a genuinely different computing experience, one that can be enjoyable in the Continue reading Surface Playback Tips: Can Surface RT Play MKV/AVI/FLV/F4V and Blu-ray/DVD Movies?